The HELPS community is addressing the root causes of poverty in Guatemala with a unique integrated approach focused on four key areas.
Intensive training and microloans help smallholder farmers build the capacity to boost crop production.

Community Development
The ONIL cook stove and water filter create safe homes, sustainable communities and a clean environment.

The HELPS primary school with its early stimulation program and Hebron homeschooling program, equips rural students with the skills to succeed.

Health Care
Volunteer medical teams provide life-saving preventive health care, surgery and education in rural areas.

Your support makes a difference!
Together with a strong network of local leaders, corporate partners, churches and hundreds of dedicated volunteers, HELPS is working with communities across Guatemala to fight extreme poverty and build a foundation for lasting change.
HELPS International’s programs help communities create extra income & savings of $100 million in the poorest regions of Guatemala every year.